OXT 4-Hour TA

New project on the watch list! OXT is of course a high quality crypto project that is listed on CoinBase. We just watched it 5X within the last month, surging from 0.20 to ONE DOLLAR. The correctoin has brought it back down to a stable base of about 0.43.

OXT 9-2-2020.jpg

Volume is quieting down, and the stochastic is set to move up. It just dipped down well below the oversold boundary, and is on its way up. But the fast and slow lines are about to cross, which indicates another possible dip. This can pump 5X again right from where it is now. I'm adding a bag, to say the least.

OXT is a solid project based on leveraging bandwidth sharing. It’s a simple and fundamental idea that can help make internet access more efficient. Being that this project is traded on CoinBase Pro, it gets first priority for immediate trading.

Carlton Flowers
The CryptoPro

NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE - Entertainment purposes only. Seek a qualified investment advisor before making any decisions on purchasing cryptocurrencies.

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