Celsius Scandal Unfolds in "FTX-Like" Fashion - Why YOU Should Be Paying Attention!

The Next Crypto “Pyramid Scheme” Takes Center Stage In The News

As if it weren’t bad enough that Scam Bank-Run Fraud put a huge dent in the credibility of cryptocurrency startups by running a practical Ponzi scheme, we now have yet another significant story that has bubbled up from the abyss.

Celsius has been found to be guilty of very similar shady practices, as news hits the wires that the company used customer funds to pump up the price of their native token CEL. To add insult to injury, the CEO and other company executives cashed out millions selling their own CEL holdings while lying straight to our faces claiming they did not.

Using a tactic straight out of the FTX playbook, Celsius was artificially pumping the price of the token by improperly using customer funds. It was so bad that company employees even commented on how it appeared to be a Ponzi-like pyramid scheme.

They used several other tricks to pump the CEL price like making private token sales and then buying them right back in public markets, using timed purchases, and placing resting limit orders. None of these are legal or legitimate methods, and are shady practices at best.

Former CEO Alex Mashinsky sold over $68,000,000 in CEL tokens over a 5-year period while telling the bald-faced lie that he wasn’t selling at all. The co-founder of Celsius David Leon sold over $10,000 in CEL tokens, and the former chief technology officer Nuke (what a name) Goldstein unloaded $2,800,000 worth.

To throw salt into the wounds already made by the jack-legged executives, the company was using new customer deposits to fund the withdrawals by other customers. This was yet another tactic stolen out of the FTX crypto-scam playbook. They did this for three days leading up to the overall freeze of withdrawals, which they were forced to do in order to avoid a complete bank run.

These scoundrels had losses of over $800,000,000 in 2021 that they did not report. The money was lost from investing in Grayscale, KeyFi, Stakehound, and Equities First Holdings. The scary thing is, I was about 1” away from investing into the KeyFi project during that time, because I got to know the project developer.

The point of this story? You’ve really got to watch what you believe when it comes to these glowing new cutting-edge crypto and DeFi companies that bombard us every day with unrealistic promises of amassing life changing wealth in a short period of time. Crooks will crook, and the cryptocurrency sector is fertile ground for them to plant their poisonous seeds.

Remember the alleged immortal words of P.T. Barnum… “there’s a sucker born every minute”. The crypto con artists bank on this fact, and they are laying in wait to “tokenize” your gullibility.

Carlton Flowers
The CryptoPro


Us Government Response To FTX Collapse - Put Crooks In Charge Of Cryptocurrencies?

IS The Fox Is About To Take Charge Of The Hen House?

In the wake of the FTX implosion, the federal government is about to make a decision to crack down on cryptocurrency regulation while FTX & Alameda Research executives roam free. The idea of increased consumer protection is understood. But is this a setup?

On December 6th at the Goldman Sachs Group financial conference, the CEO of Intercontinental Exchange Inc. (ICE) Jeffrey Sprecher spoke, stating “crypto assets are going to be regulated and dealt like securities”. Known cryptocurrency skeptic Senator Elizabeth Warren was also in attendance.

CEO Sprecher explained that new regulations aren’t really necessary, because the framework for regulating cryptocurrency is already in place, and just needs to be more strictly enforced. But what worries most is the agency that will be carrying out this order of tightened enforcement…

The Securities Exchange Commission.

This is somewhat disturbing. Why? Because the head of the SEC, Gary Gensler, has been spending his time over the past couple of years focusing on a lawsuit leveled against Ripple Labs (XRP), and a much smaller crypto project that goes by the name of “LBRY Inc.” (library).

LBRY Inc. is a blockchain-based file-sharing and payment network that powers decentralized platforms, primarily social networks and video platforms. The SEC has accused this project of operating without registering as a security. The company does not have deep enough pockets to fight the ruling.

Gary Gensler’s SEC has targeted these companies for their alleged violations of selling securities without a license, and the SEC head has mentioned this many times over the past few weeks when asked why the agency’s attention was not focused on the FTX fiasco.

The failure of Sam Bankman Fried’s operation cost consumers billions of dollars in losses. Most people believe that it was the job of the SEC to protect consumers of this exact type of fraud, which they did not. But is this the responsibility of the SEC?

It’s unclear exactly what the charge of the SEC should be in these situations, but it rubs salt into the wounds of those who lost significant amounts of money that the SEC did not pick up on all of the red flags before the collapse of FTX.

If SEC chair Gary Gensler was meeting with FTX officials as early as March of 2022, what were the meetings about? Rumors abound that the regulator was colluding with Sam Bankman Fried in order to draft legislation giving legal loopholes that would hand FTX a practical regulatory monopoly over the entire crypto market.

Others allege that Gary Gensler was making plans to draft a “no action letter” in response to a request by Sam Bankman Fried, which is basically reduces the chances of enforcement action against a particular company after considering certain facts and circumstances that are presented beforehand.

Depending on the news source, you will get varying answers & opinions, and even total dismissals of both alleged rumors. It still isn’t clear if any of the accusations are legitimate, or whether bear any truth at all.

But what rubs salt into the wounds of those who lost millions of dollars in investments at the behest of SBF is the fact that the SEC did not see the red flags of a company taking enormous operating risks which led to their implosion. If SEC chair Gary Gensler spent time in private meetings with this company, shouldn’t he have picked up on this before it completely devolved into absolute disaster?

Some think that the Securities Exchange Commission and the elected officials who are pushing for stricter regulations are in collusion with the perpetrators, due to the millions of dollars donated to both parties in the last election cycle. This belief is also reinforced by the fact that neither Sam Bankman Fried nor Caroline Ellision, or any of the employees of FTX & Alameda Research have been charged with crimes or arrested.

The slowness of the regulators and elected officials to act on this absolute disaster only intensifies the conspiracy theories, and leaves little confidence in the SEC as it makes plans to crack the whip on the cryptocurrency sector.

A regular citizen stealing a twenty dollar bill from the cash register of a grocery store would land themselves in jail. But two young “genius investors” stealing billions of dollars through a completely shady operation only seems to invoke a sympathetic response from the government and major media.

That’s why it gives the impression that the fox is about to take the nighttime security job within the chicken house when the SEC’s Gary Gensler ramps up his regulatory authority in response to the FTX fiasco.

For now, all we can deduce is that our government officials are corrupt, and consummate crooks. But if they actually do have an honorable agenda, we need some answers… NOW.

Carlton Flowers
The CryptoPro


Disturbing Level Of Corruption Within US Government Exposed As FTX Fiasco Unfurls

How The Collapse of FTX Exposed The True Nature of Our Elected Officials

On December 2nd, 2022, representative Maxine Waters reached out to former FTX CEO Sam Bankman Fried thanking the former CEO for being candid about the collapse of FTX. The invitation to testify was not a demand or subpoena.

This was a sad day for American citizens, who had to witness one of the biggest thefts in history while there was no response or action from law enforcement officials for weeks after the collapse. With SBF and Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison roaming free day after day, it leaves us to question whether or not corruption is involved.

SBF’s response to representative Waters was equally as shocking, as he stated, “I'm not sure that will happen by the 13th. But when it does, I will testify.” It’s as if he has an option.

In defense of Maxine Waters, however, she did respond with the following:

“As you know, the collapse of FTX has harmed over one million people. Your testimony would not only be meaningful to Members of Congress, but is also critical to the American people. (2/3)”

“It is imperative that you attend our hearing on the 13th, and we are willing to schedule continued hearings if there is more information to be shared later. (3/3)”

But where is the action from the FBI in response to the obvious fraud that numbered in the billions? What could possibly be the reason behind the lack of action?

It’s simple… corruption.

We have to remember that SBF was the second largest political contributor to the Democratic party next to George Soros, in the last election cycle. We also know that he had appeared before congress on multiple occasion, suggesting legislative action that would allow FTX, a centralized exchange, to create an effective monopoly over the cryptocurrency sector.

And it wasn’t just politicians within the Democratic party. According to Fortune magazine, he donated equally to the Republican party, with names like Mitch McConnell being on the list of recipients of millions of dollars. Apparently the donations to the Republican party were “dark money” contributions, which are not traceable.

We can’t expect an agency of the federal government like the FBI to step in and quickly arrest SBF when so many noteworthy politicians were on the take, before the collapse played out and the scandal was exposed to the public.

For now, I think several of these politicians are making game plans on how they will spin the story before they give the green light to have SBF arrested and jailed, IF he ever is. To this date, he has completed a total of ten interviews, where several of his statements have been confirmed to be lies.

What I don’t understand is WHY we continue to elect high ranking officials that take part in corruption, in plain sight of the public. And it’s not just the elected officials. There are an equal amount of powerful cabinet appointed regulatory positions that have equally corrupt individuals wielding power (think Gary Gensler and the SEC).

Every single day that passes where we don’t see an arrest of Sam Bankman Fried or Caroline Ellison brings us a step closer to realizing that the elected officials of the United States may not be so far removed from the known corrupt government leaders of other countries around the world.

We can stand by and watch our governmental integrity continue to devolve, or we can step up and speak out. Our responsibility as US citizens requires it. Now is the time to voice your displeasure! I encourage ALL of my readers and viewers to contact the offices of your state representatives and senators to let your voice be heard. I’ll be the first to take the lead.

If we don’t speak out, we forfeit our right to complain. Take action now, for the sake of our future in cryptocurrency and all the good that it can bring.

Carlton Flowers
The CryptoPro
