The Sugar Switch - The Pathway to Turning Off Your Internal Sugar Craving Mechanism

The Introduction - Why You Crave Sugar

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Make no mistake about it, we are in the midst of an epidemic in the United States. It is centered around our seemingly uncontrollable urge to consume sugar. In fact, it is the most popular ingredient added to foods in our country!

While our consumption of this readily available substance is completely out of control, the majority of people are unaware of the fact that there is a systematic and scientific way of breaking the addiction.

I have named it The Sugar Switch method, and it is my goal to educate as many people as possible on how to deactivate this switch and take control of your own dietary habits.

Today, the average American consumes about 150 pounds of sugar in one year alone. That amounts to about 3 pounds (or 6 cups) of sugar per week. Nutritionists suggest that Americans should only derive about 10% of their diet from sugar, but the amount of our consumption is far above this level. That is why we are in the midst of an obesity epidemic that is at the root of the majority of chronic degenerative disease conditions.

Most people are unaware of the fact that the urge to consume sugar comes from organisms that have hijacked the control of the foods that you eat. They reside in your digestive system along with all of the microorganisms that number in the trillions, with at least 1000 different species. The average person has at least 2 kilograms of known bacteria that have over 3 million genes, which is 150 times more than what you have in human genes alone.

An individual who craves junk carbohydrates and sugar likely has an overabundance of the candida bacteria, which is primarily responsible for the addiction to sugary foods. I like to compare these microorganisms to the Star Trek aliens called “The Borg”. The Borg are cybernetic organisms, linked in a hive mind called "the Collective".

In the Star Trek series, The Borg would forcibly transform unsuspecting individuals into becoming “drones” by injecting nanoprobes into their bodies and surgically augmenting them with cybernetic components. The Borg’s goal was to achieve perfection by overtaking the minds of the individuals they hijacked. This is exactly the method of survival that the candida bacterium employ when they overrun the gut of an individual who is addicted to sugar.

The candida bacteria needs sugar to thrive. In order for them to overtake the gut of a person, they get you to eat what THEY need to rapidly grow and overtake the majority of the other species of bacterium in the digestive tract. In order to accomplish this feat, they take over your mind, forcing you desire the foods that will benefit them the most.

Reversing the desire to consume junk foods that keep you sick is the basis of what I call “The Sugar Switch”. It is all about becoming consciously aware that you are no longer in control of making the right decisions to keep you in a state of health.

Turning off the sugar switch means understanding how your body has been hijacked, and then reversing the power of the candida bacteria invasion by eliminating it within your system. Once this “alien Borg” organism has been forced into submission and put back into proper balance within the digestive tract, you recover the control of your brain and thus the foods that you crave.

Therefore, key to overcoming sugar craving is understanding this mechanism by which your body has been overtaken, and by knowing the exact organism is that is causing the problem. Once this is understood, you can start the process of curing the disease condition responsible for the addiction to sugar and high carbohydrate junk foods.

My series of articles labeled “The Sugar Switch” will carry you through the process of understanding how your digestive system works, and how to put your gut biome back into balance the way it was designed to be by the Creator.

I invite you to come along and take the journey with me in taking charge of your health, and getting on the pathway to weight loss and reversal of the many chronic degenerative disease conditions that come with with it!

Carlton Flowers
Creator of The Sugar Switch

GO TO PART 2 - The Bio Science Behind The Addiction